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Founded 1987, by Diana L. Fineran

  " Home of the Traditional Cat"©

Our Motto: To Preserve, Protect, Perpetuate, 
and  Promote  Traditional  Cats.



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The Traditional Pixie-Bob © FAQs

Traditional Pixie-Bob Breeders


What is the Personality of the Traditional Pixie-Bob?


A distinct characteristic of the breed is the personality of the Traditional Pixie-Bob. Intelligence, loyalty, affectionate, companionable, loving, trustworthy, tractable, dog like devotion, great companions, and strongly bonding with their human family are depictions of their calm temperament. While playing they wave their tails, just like dogs do! More time and attention is required than with the average cat to create the desired connection. They are extremely quiet, using only an occasional chatter or chirp to communicate with their people, instead of a "meow". Though warmly friendly with their own family, the appearance of a stranger can cause them to act cautiously and may go into hiding. As adaptable household pets they excel as companions for children or other pets. They can be trained to walk on a harness and leash, quickly learn to fetch, enjoy playing in water, and love to travel.

What is the Health of the Traditional Pixie-Bob?


The breed has no known health problems. However, Pixie-Bobs are extremely sensitive to vaccines. It has been recommend that feeding meat in addition to commercial foods provides the nutrition these cats require to grow to their full size potential.

What is the History of the Traditional Pixie-Bob?


The Traditional Pixie-Bob is a special breed of domestic cat with the added interest of wild ancestors. It is well known, and not considered unusual, that wild and domestic cats can and will breed if left to their own devices. This has been occurring for decades in situations where domestic cats are left outdoors to roam. The legendary ancestry of the Pixie-Bob is based upon this premise. Though The Traditional Cat Association, Inc. does not advocate allowing any cat to roam free in today’s world of dangers and diseases, this has happened in the past.

A small Pacific Northwest, Coastal Red Bobcat and a short-tailed polydactyl barn cat were observed following Mother Nature in 1985. Thinking their cat was being harmed, the owners ran to the scene to save their cat. In the resulting litter of kittens was a male polydactyl, who was noticed by the keen eye of Carol Ann Brewer. Intrigued with the kittens very interesting appearance and special behavior, Carol purchased the cute male kitten.

With a breeding program in mind, Carol called her first cat a "Legend Cat". Within a year she managed to find one more cat with the same kind of heritage, and a third from unknown heritage but with good size, similar appearance and tail length. Therefore, the breed began due to a chance mating of a Bobcat and a domestic short hair. "At first, when these cats came to me, I didn’t believe the stories of matings between wild bobcats and barn cats, " Carol Ann Brewer stated, "When I had babies, I had to accept it. Their appearance brought back to me that this was something people had been talking about for hundreds of years."

Pixie, a female kitten resulting from a mating of two of the original breeding cats, was covered with muted spotting on her reddish to fawn colored coat. Reflections of her bobcat heritage were evident in her very wild looking face, with tufting on her ear tips too. Pixie has the distinction of being the foundation of the dam line for most of the females in the breeding program, and being the namesake for the breed. Her "Pixie dust" was the leavening for Carol Ann Brewer’s, Stone Island Cattery in Bellingham, Washington, the founder of the breed. Carol said, "Pixie had such a wild beauty that I knew I couldn’t stand not having her face around for the rest of my life." With three more "Legend Cats" from local places were added to the program, which resulted in the Pixie-Bob breed.





The Traditional Cat Association, Inc.
© by John & Diana Fineran - Aug 1999- 2024.  
No portion of this website or any information contained within it may be copied, or in any way distributed,
without the expressed written permission of John or Diana Fineran - No exceptions.